Usage Function
The rotary drum grille is generally installed in small to medium-sized wastewater treatment plants to remove solid particles from the wastewater. The fluid hits the grille and penetrates between the bars before being discharged below the cylinder into a collection tank, while the solids are retained on the surface of the grille and then transported through the rotation of the drum. A scum blade diverts the screened material into a dedicated container. Overload protection is provided by electronic devices that monitor the motor’s absorption.
A rotating drum
Construction Features
The cylinder is made entirely of AISI 304 stainless steel.
- Low purchase cost
- No labor required for operation
- Low maintenance frequency
- No risk of clogging of the filtering drum
- Low energy consumption
- Compact size
- Guaranteed efficiency over a wide flow rate range
- Electric control and protection panel
- Emergency stop button
- Float for automatic operation
- Scum blade
- Steel tank for collecting the screened material
- Nozzle washing system
- Overflow system for discharging the flow before overflow